GOOD NIGHT Short PRAYER to sleep well
Lord, I give myself to you,
give me a good rest tonight,
may I sleep peacefully,
without concern or distress,
without any fear.
Thank you, God,
with your angels
you protect me,
with your peace
you serene my thoughts,
with your love you hold me.
Lord, I pray for peace
and blessing tonight,
fill my mind with your promises
and increase my confidence.
Thank you God for loving us
because I know
that my home and my family
are under your divine protection,
With your power
you protect my children
when they sleep,
you are our heavenly Father
you are our help and our refuge,
give us comfort and hope.
Lord, help me
to believe in your promises,
and to obey every one of
your commandments
because they bless me
with peace
and nothing will make me fall.
Thank God for taking care
of our sleeping time
and our awakening,
our daily walk
and even our rest.
In the silence of the night
I say my prayer
believing that your Word is truth
and that you are the Almighty God.
I have the confidence
that liberation and victory
come from you,
on this night I left
all my projects,
my dreams and my family
in your hands,
take care for us
and make us free
where is needed,
renew our hearts
with your Holy Spirit.
In the name of Jesus
I bring my requests to you,
my God,
giving thanks for all you do
and for your protection. Amen.
Mery Bracho
Bedtime Short prayer, good night prayer, nice christian prayer before going tu sleep by Mery Bracho