Brighten up my steps with your word,
Let me hear your sweet voice,
Lord, new challenges arise before me,
give me strength to face them with faith
to believe you, you're the
one who brings me forward
one who brings me forward
and enables me to accomplish
the purpose you want.
the purpose you want.
I trust your promises,
I trust you, Lord
I trust you, Lord
Help me to keep my life
in obedience to your commands,
in obedience to your commands,
never away from you,
If I have failed,
If I have failed,
I ask you to forgive me
and do your work in me.
and do your work in me.
This road is very difficult
if you do not go with me,
if you do not go with me,
so I want to walk it with you,
With You I overcome obstacles,
I have victory in your love, Lord. Amen.
Mery Bracho
Mery Bracho