Short Night Prayer for Protection. Psalm 28

This short prayer about night sleep time has some verses of Psalm 28, God protects you, help you, listen to you. Powerful prayer to say before sleep.
Short prayer for protection in the night with Psalm 28, phrases of good night with prayers to God and Christian images. night prayer with quote from the Bible, Psalms in prayers for Mery Bracho

Short Night Prayer for Protection. Psalm 28

Lord, tonight,
I thank you for being with me.
"Lord, you are my Rock.
   I am calling to you for help."

   Hear me when I call to you.
   Show mercy to me.

Lord you are my strength and shield.
   I trusted you with all my heart.
You helped me, so I am happy.
   I sing songs of praise to you.

Lord, protect me,
save me and give me strength.
   Bless me and lead me.
Take me in your arms,
for you are my Shepherd."

Lord, tonight
you help me and
guide me on the path
you have set for me.

Take care of us while we sleep, Lord,
thank you for the rest
and for giving us hope
of living tomorrow with you
knowing that you are our refuge.

Good Night, Lord of this family,
God of love. Amen.
Mery Bracho.

Short prayer for protection in the night with Psalm 28, phrases of good night with prayers to God and Christian images. night prayer with quote from the Bible, Psalms in prayers for Mery Bracho

Short prayer for protection in the night with Psalm 28, phrases of good night with prayers to God and Christian images. night prayer with quote from the Bible, Psalms in prayers for Mery Bracho.